When it comes to cleaning mattresses, a few dos and don’ts are important. Here, we will go over Chemicals, Do-It-Yourself methods, and Dos and Don’ts of professional mattress cleaning Dubai. Keeping these things in mind will ensure that you have a clean mattress again in no time. Whether you have a mattress stain problem or are just curious about the cleaning process, this article will help you decide how to clean it correctly.
Dos And Don’ts
Vacuuming your mattress is important. Make sure that the attachment of your vacuum is clean, otherwise you can spread bacteria throughout the mattress. During the vacuuming process, use an upholstery adapter with a clean filter, as dust mites love warm places. Keep your mattress free of houseplants, which attract dust, pollen, and insects. It’s best to keep the dust mites and bacteria out of your mattress by vacuuming it twice or thrice a year.
As we all know, people sweat litres of water each night, and it must go somewhere. The same goes for the liquid stains on mattresses. While you can’t wash your mattresses every single day, you can take measures to remove any stains as soon as possible. You can start by using vinegar and water or buying a special enzyme cleaner from a pet store. It is recommended that you clean the mattress before you put it to use, though.
If you are concerned with the odor and staining on your mattress, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide in water and work it into the affected area. Let the solution sit for at least half an hour before wiping it off. Do not use strong solvents like bleach or hydrogen peroxide. For cleaning mattress, you can use mild detergents or isopropyl alcohol, mixed with water. Use a white rag to scrub off any dirt or stains. Make sure to let the residual water and cleaner dry before storing your mattress. You can also place it outside as long as it is protected from direct sunlight.
Do-It-Yourself Options
If you want to clean your mattress without spending a ton of money, try using baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Both of these items have antibacterial properties and can help remove odors and moisture. These solutions are easy to apply and can be used to clean your mattress at home. To save time, you can also use rags to remove the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Once it dries, you can vacuum the mattress to remove any residue.
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer and you want to save money while cleaning your mattress, try this do-it-yourself method to clean a stain. All you need to do is combine two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part water in a spray bottle. Work the solution into the stain and allow it to dry for about 30 minutes before removing it. Once it is dry, blot it to remove excess cleaner. Then, allow the mattress to air-dry completely before putting it back on the bed. But you could always look for an affordable service provider such as JUDUX, they are the leading hygiene solutions company in Dubai.

Skydiver, mother of 2, fender owner, Vignelli fan and multidisciplinary designer. Acting at the sweet spot between modernism and purpose to craft meaningful ideas that endure. Let’s chat.